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Using Shell Commands to Clean macOS: Advanced User Guide

When your starts to slow down, cleaning it up with the built-in shell commands can work wonders. By using , macOS’s command-line interface, you can efficiently clear out clutter, free up disk space, and optimize performance. This article explains how to clean macOS using shell commands, providing simple instructions suitable even for beginners.

What Is Shell, and Why Use It to Clean macOS?

Shell is a command-line interpreter that lets users interact directly with the . In macOS, the Terminal app provides access to the shell, enabling users to execute powerful commands for tasks like file management, system cleanup, and performance .

Why Choose Shell for Cleaning?

  1. Precision: Shell commands target specific areas of the system, reducing unnecessary deletions.
  2. Efficiency: Tasks like clearing caches or removing unnecessary files are quicker via Terminal.
  3. Cost-Free: Unlike third-party cleaning , shell commands are free and safe when used correctly.

Preparing Your System for Terminal Usage

Before diving into commands, make sure you’re ready:

Open Terminal

  1. Navigate to Applications > Utilities > Terminal or search for “Terminal” in Spotlight.
  2. Open the app and you’ll see a command-line interface waiting for your input.

Know the Basics

Familiarize yourself with key Terminal operations:

  • ls: Lists files and directories.
  • cd: Changes directories.
  • rm: Removes files or directories.
  • man [command]: Shows the manual for a command.

Essential Shell Commands for Cleaning macOS

1. Clear System Cache

Cached files improve system performance but can accumulate over time and consume valuable space. To clean caches:

sudo rm -rf /Library/Caches/*
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/*
  • The first command clears system-wide caches.
  • The second clears user-specific caches.

Note: Use sudo carefully. It grants administrative privileges, which, if misused, can harm the system.

2. Delete Application Logs

Log files are useful for but unnecessary once issues are resolved. Clear them with:

sudo rm -rf /var/log/*.gz
sudo rm -rf /var/log/*.bz2

This command removes system log archived files to free up space.

3. Remove Unnecessary Language Files

macOS applications often include multiple language files. If you don’t need them, remove them to save space:

sudo find / -name "*.lproj" -not -name "en.lproj" -exec rm -rf {} +

This example keeps only English files. Adjust en.lproj to your preferred language code.

4. Empty the Trash

Manually emptying the Trash can be tedious. Do it instantly with:

rm -rf ~/.Trash/*

5. Find and Delete Large Files

Locate large files using the find command and delete unnecessary ones:

find ~ -type f -size +500M

This lists files larger than 500 MB. To delete them:

rm -rf [file_path]

6. Free Up Disk Space by Deleting Old Downloads

Remove files older than 30 days from your Downloads folder:

find ~/Downloads -type f -mtime +30 -exec rm -rf {} +

This command clears older files, keeping recent downloads intact.

7. Clean Up System Logs and Temporary Files

Temporary files accumulate with system usage. To clear them:

sudo rm -rf /private/var/tmp/*
sudo rm -rf /private/var/folders/*

8. Manage Startup Items

Unnecessary startup items can slow boot times. List startup items with:

ls ~/Library/LaunchAgents
ls /Library/LaunchAgents
ls /Library/LaunchDaemons

To remove unwanted items:

sudo rm -rf [file_path]

9. Optimize Disk Usage with diskutil

Check and repair your disk to maintain macOS performance:

diskutil list
diskutil repairDisk [disk_identifier]

Replace [disk_identifier] with the relevant identifier, such as /dev/disk1.

Precautions When Using Shell Commands

Backup Important Data

Mistyped commands can result in data loss. Use Time Machine or an external drive to create backups before making changes.

Avoid Critical Directories

Never use commands like rm -rf /* or modify /System folders, as these can damage macOS.

Verify Before Deletion

Double-check file paths before executing commands, especially when using sudo.

Enhancing System Maintenance with Automation

For frequent tasks, create shell scripts to automate cleanup. Here’s an example script to clear caches and logs:

sudo rm -rf /Library/Caches/*
sudo rm -rf ~/Library/Caches/*
sudo rm -rf /var/log/*.gz
sudo rm -rf /var/log/*.bz2
echo "Cleanup complete!"

Save this file as, make it executable:

chmod +x

Then run:


Final Thoughts on Shell-Based macOS Cleaning

Using Terminal commands to clean macOS is an efficient and cost-free way to optimize performance. Whether clearing caches, removing large files, or managing startup items, these commands put you in control of your system’s health.

To Wrap Up

Cleaning macOS through shell commands ensures a faster, more responsive computer without relying on third-party . With a bit of caution and practice, anyone can harness the power of Terminal to maintain their Mac like a pro.

Last revised on


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